The number of famous people dying at the hands of conventional medical doctors is increasing at an alarming rate. Today comedian Bernie Mac (best known for appearing in Oceans Eleven and The Bernie Mac Show) died today following hospitalization and treatment for pneumonia. At the young age of 50, Bernie Mac joins numerous other notable celebrities who have died while being treated with conventional pharmaceuticals or chemotherapy: Heath Ledger, Peter Jennings, Tim Russert and many more.
Pneumonia is an infection that fails to be properly handled by the body's own immune system. Bernie Mac's immune system, it turns out, was suppressed by pharmaceuticals due to treatments for an autoimmune disorder he was previously diagnosed with, called sarcoidosis.
The most common treatments for sarcoidosis are dangerous steroids (like Prednisone) or immune system suppressants like Methotrexate. Following his treatment with one or both of these pharmaceuticals, Bernie Mac was described as having his sarcoidosis go into "remission." That's conventional medicine's code word for masking symptoms with dangerous chemicals while ignoring the underlying cause of the disease.
"Sarcoidosis," meanwhile, is just a fancy-sounding name for an imbalanced immune system almost always caused by dietary imbalances and exposure to toxic chemicals through processed foods, pharmaceuticals, personal care products and other environmental sources (like pesticides or cleaning solvents). Bernie Mac didn't really have sarcoidosis; he was merely given that label by doctors who attached a fancy name to a pattern of symptoms that Bernie Mac expressed.
So rather than addressing the underlying causes of his autoimmune disorders, doctors pumped him up with more chemicals that suppressed his immune system. From there, Bernie Mac was a fatal pneumonia case just waiting to happen, because at that point he was walking around with a suppressed immune system.
In my opinion, this is why Bernie Mac has now passed away: Because his doctors destroyed his immune system and called it "treatment" for a disease, all while ignoring the underlying lifestyle factors that Bernie should have been told were causing his symptoms in the first place.
Modern medicine takes another talented soul from our world
Bernie Mac was a brilliant comedian. He was wildly entertaining in Oceans Eleven, Oceans Twelve and other movies in which he appeared.
He radiated a very likeable charm and possessed a captivating wit both on and off the screen. Sadly, conventional medicine's dangerous medications have hastened his death and taken from us an uplifting artist who could have lived another 20 - 30 years if he had not has his life stolen fom him by modern medicine.
Modern medical treatments are the leading cause of death in the western world, surpassing even the number of people killed by cancer. Most cancer deaths, of course, are actually "deaths by medicine" because it is the chemotherapy that kills the patient before the cancer! Individuals who put their faith in modern medicine are playing roulette with their lives, and many of them pay the ultimate price for that misplaced faith.
So what should Bernie Mac have done instead? It's simple: Visit a naturopath, get off all the chemicals and medications, eliminate all the junk from his diet (processed foods, etc.) and transition to a mostly plant-based diet rich in superfoods and living foods. His lung condition would have disappeared and his immune system would have been strong enough to withstand infections.
But doctors never told Bernie Mac this information. They never even gave him the option. Doctors, it turns out, are in the business of causing the deaths of patients through a process of authoritative ignorance -- keeping patients unaware of natural alternatives, and thereby forcing them to rely on toxic treatments that unfortunately harm more people than they help.
I truly believe that Bernie Mac would be alive right now if he had been given the option to pursue natural medicine (which BOOSTS immune function) rather than conventional medicine (with DESTROYS immune function).
Bernie Mac will be missed.
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