Sunday, January 10, 2010

Noni Leaves

Noni is the common name for Morinda citrifolia, a tropical tree also called dog dumpling... The fruit, leaves, stems and roots have all been used by traditional healers around the world, for up to 2,000 years in foods and beverages.

Newly discovered compounds found in noni leaves have proven to be rich in flavonoids and other antioxidants that help protect cells and tissues from free radical damage. Tea made from the leaves helps to improve digestion, maintain normal blood sugar levels and eliminate toxins from the body. The tea also has antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Preliminary evidence suggests that the leaves and seeds of noni contain omega 3 fatty acids.

The flavor of noni leaf tea is extremely pleasant with hints of green tea. Noni leaf is relaxing and contains no caffeine or stimulants of any kind. No trace of the pungent odor or taste of the noni fruit or noni juice is present in the leaves.

Noni leaf tea is a great way to ingest the great health-giving compounds of the noni plant without having to overcome the pungent nature of the juice. Picking noni leaves from the noni tree does not damage the tree in any way; in fact, picked leaves grow back swiftly and abundantly.

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