Saturday, August 15, 2009

Benefits of Infrared Sauna

Infra red is light energy emitted from the sun. It is the light which can warm you when you step out in the sun on a clear crisp winter`s day. Infra red frequencies are very long wavelengths and can penetrate deeper into the body than simple dry saunas or infrared lamps.

Far infra red saunas can be built in wooden shacks like normal dry saunas.
There are numerous well-performed scientific studies showing the benefit of far infra red sauna.

What are the benefits of Infra Red Sauna Therapy?

*Saunas dramatically improve circulation and improve internal congestion.
*Heating the body can also help destroy bacteria and viruses.
*Sweating promotes the elimination of heavy metals, radioactive particles and other toxins.
*The skins ability to eliminate poisons increases.
*Saunas offer many of the benefits of exercise without the exertion.
*They inhibit the sympathetic flight and fight nervous system activity as sweating is a parasympathetic "rest and digest" response.
*Sauna therapy improves body oxygenation through increasing blood flow to lungs and skin so blood picks up more oxygen. It also increases pulse and total stroke volume so more blood is pumped around the body which clears internal congestion that may be blocking oxygen uptake.
*Saunas relax muscles and enhance flexibility of tendons and ligaments.
*Helps balance body pH levels.
*The heat hastens the death of weaker cells of the body such as those damaged by radiation, fungi, parasites, toxins and viruses.
*May stimulate production of "heat shock proteins" which have an extra healing power on cells.
*Normalizes enzymatic activity if the body temperature is low. Enzymes have to work with a certain temperature range - low body temperature can inhibit these.
*Promotes deep tissue heating and healing.
*Activates water molecules in the body, making internal water reserves more healing.
*Can reduce pain of all kinds due to improved circulation, oxygenation, removal of toxins and inhibition of sympathetic nervous system activity.

What is it beneficial for?
*It is great for anyone with toxins due to PCBs, PBBs, pesticides, heavy metals such as mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel and most other foreign toxic chemical build up.
*Viral infections
*Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
*Low blood pressure
*High blood pressure
*Muscle, joint and nerve pain of any kind
*Low body temperature and cold hands and feet
*Over active sympathetic "flight and flight" nervous system
*Chronic fatigue syndrome

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