Tuesday, October 7, 2008

PAHO team going to Tobago to look at dengue situation

The announcement was made by Health Minister Jerry Narace in Parliament while speaking on the Budget Debate. Narace said that although he was satisfied that there was no outbreak in the country, he nevertheless sought the best assistance since serious allegations have been made that there was an outbreak and several persons have died.

The Trinidad Express newspaper reported that Narace said that he cut short a medical conference in Washington to address the House on the issue and disclosed that he met PAHO's representative Dr. Carol Boyd-Scobie at the conference and arrangements were made for the team to visit the country next week.

Opposition Member of Parliament, Dr Tim Gopeesingh had written the Director of Public Prosecutions requesting him to look into the possibility of prosecuting the Health Minister and the Chief Medical Officer, for their neglect in causing the outbreak which led to deaths.

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