Friday, October 24, 2008

Noni great for weight loss

Morinda citrifolia, better known in North America as “noni” juice, has a folklore reputation as an anticancer agent. However, results of a new study show that M. citrifolia may be effective in fighting obesity.

Researchers looked at the efficiency of M. citrifolia as an inhibitor of lipoprotein lipase (LPL), which inhibits the deposition of lipids into human tissue, acting as an anti-obesity agent. Tests indicated that the results demonstrated by the leaf and fruit extracts may be caused by synergistic effects of catechin with other phytochemicals present in the samples. This is supported by literature, which reported that the synergistic effects of several flavonoids were better than that shown by a single flavonoid.

The researchers concluded that noni juice may modify triglyceride metabolism and provide a natural product for use as a weight control agent.

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